Numberland Wall Posters –
An engaging display of number aspects 0 to 10 (using your own number words)
The pictures put number aspects into a child relevant context. They invite children to talk and to design:
- Numbers are not abstract but living individuals who have a home like us.
- Important number zero is included; number seven comes in two versions.
- The number take the classic way of representing numbers with fingers into “their own hands”,
- their houses have windows with 5+x instead of dots on dice,
- they have garden fences instead of tallies,
- they plant flower beds instead of using dots in 5 or 10 frames.
- Wind wheels for number representation in twos (6=2+2+2).
- The bushes are for birds, blossoms, berries – what ever the children have in mind. Only the total must match the number!
- Houses and flags split into even and uneven.
- Hang on: The chimneys and aerials do not match the numbers. Do the children notice? Do they bother? How do they want to go about it?
The number word is not included on purpose, to enable you to use your relevant language and letters. You can write the number word at the bottom of the (laminated?) page – and why not even in several languages in a row?!
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